Saturday, March 15th
Hands on Starting a Garden From Seed Class
10:00 am - 1:00pm
$25.00 - Register Here
Join us for a class on the basics of seed starting focused on your Spring garden. Each person will be able to leave with 8, 6packs of spring vegetables, herbs and flowers that they will sow themselves. We hope you can join us for this wonderful class!
Saturday, March 22nd
Pickles, Pickles, Pickles! Pickling 3 Ways! With Jess
11:00 am- 1:00 pm
$25.00 - Register Here
Pickles, pickles, pickles! What's in a pickle, really? What IS a pickle? How do we pickle, and why? Come address these deeper existential pickling questions with our resident Pickler Jess Tunis. We'll walk you through the fundamentals of All Things Pickle, from quick pickles made in the fridge, canned pickles using the water bath canning method, and fermented pickles made with salt, microbes, temperature and time.
Saturday March 29th
Beginning BeeKeeping Class At Mountain Feed & Farm!
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
$35.00 - Register Here
This is a beginning class geared towards the beekeeper planning on obtaining and starting a new hive this Spring!
Saturday, April 5th
Keeping Backyard Chickens
Free Class
10:00 am - 11:00 am
RSVP - Here