Workshop Events

Saturday March 29th 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Beginning BeeKeeping Class At Mountain Feed & Farm!

This is a beginning class geared towards the beekeeper planning on obtaining and starting a new hive this Spring!

Saturday, April 5th
Keeping Backyard Chickens
Free Class- RSVP Required To Attend

10:00 am - 11:00 am

Come join us here at Mountain Feed & Farm Supply for a free talk about keeping backyard chickens.

This Class Is FULL - Please call the store to be added to the waitlist 831-336-8876

Baby Chick Dates Are Here!

This year Mountain Feed will (hopefully) have baby chicks available starting April 19th, April 26th & May 3rd
Baby chicks are all first-come, first-served with No holds and No special orders