Golden Milk is no new thing; it’s known in India as Haldi Kal Doohd, and has long been used as a soothing, immune stimulating beverage, often enjoyed at night. The turmeric is what gives this beverage is golden color and many of the healthful properties as well. Turmeric is a powerful spice; cucurmin, which is most active constituent of the root, is generally accepted in the medical community as having anti-inflamatory properties. Ayurvedic medicine considers it to be good for the lungs and skin, as well. The cucurmin in turmeric is tricky, though; to get the most benefit from the spice it must be warmed, and combined with several other components for maximum benefit. The black pepper in this recipe contains piperine, which enhances the bio-availability of cucurmin. Adding a healthy fat, such as those found in milk or coconut oil, aids in absorbtion as well. Luckily for us, the most scientifically sound suggestions are also the most delicious, in this case. The warming, soothing spices in this drink all blend together to make a truly special drink, full of quiet calm, golden cheer, and good health. It’s mellow enough for kids to enjoy, too.
Prepare the ingredients. Slice or mince the turmeric and ginger root.

In a medium saucepan, combine the milk of your choice with the turmeric, ginger, and other spices.

Bring to a simmer, and cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Strain the golden milk into cups and enjoy.

Over to You
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