Fermented Winter Squash Chutney

What You'll Need

  • 1 1/2 pound winter squash, halved, seeded, and peeled
  • 1/2 cup shredded carrot
  • 1-2 teaspoons unrefined sea salt
  • 2 cloves garlic, grated
  • 1 tablespoon curry powder
  • 1/2 cup raisins

This recipe can be made with any of the winter squashes; we like the Butterrnut and the Kabocha for their brilliant color, which pairs perfectly with the exotic, spicy flavors. Spaghetti squash is delicious, too, but must be clawed out with a fork from the uncooked fruit, making the process messy, if still worth it in the long run. This recipe comes from Fermented Vegetables, by Kristin and Christopher Shockey. It’s delicious as a condiment to roasted meats and veggies, over rice, with lentils, and paired with anything else that needs a spark of vibrant, tangy, orange amazingness.

This recipe makes about 1 quart. We show it made in the Ball 1 and 1/2 pint jar because we like this size for an individual but you can choose to make the larger jar size.

winter squash recipe


1) Peel and prep veggies

Select firm, ripe winter squash. Depending on how sturdy your vegetable peeler is, you may wish to peel the squash whole, and then slice it, or else use a paring knife to cut the rind off of the flesh.
Remove the strings and seeds from the inside of the squash, and carve it into manageable pieces. Peel your carrots.

2) Grate or shred your vegetables

Using a cheese grater or the shredder blade on a food processor shred the squash. You should have about 4 cups.grated squash

3) Combine salt and vegetables and mix to create the brine

Transfer to a large bowl, and add the shredded carrots.
fermented squash
Sprinkle in 1 1/2 teaspoons of salt, working it into the squash mixture with your hands. Taste for salt and sprinkle in more as needed, for a salty flavor that is not overwhelming. Add the garlic, raisins, and curry powder, and allow the mixture to sit, covered, for 30-45 minutes.

Toss and massage to get everything mixed; there should be a small amount of brine pooling at the bottom of the bowl by this time.
masage vegetables to get the brine

4) Pack your jar

Press the mixture into a quart jar. (It’s going to be strangely gooey at this stage. Don’t worry, this shall pass as it ferments.)
fermented squash chutney
Pack the mixture down until the brine rises over the top of the veggies, and place a weight on top of the mixture.
fermented vegetables

5) Ferment

Add a fermentation lock, if using, or secure the lid loosely.
krautsource fermentation top
Set to ferment in a cool place, out of direct sun for 7 to 21 days.
Taste the ferment on day 7; it is ready as soon as it tastes delicious, tart and tangy, sweet and sour and complex.
jar top fermentation kit
The ferment will keep in the refrigerator, for up to 12 months, but it’ll be long gone before then.

Over to You...

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