Lazy Lady's Bitters - Citrus Simple Syrups

What You'll Need

  • Bottle for storage
  • good kitchen knife
  • saucepan or heavy bottomed pot
  • Bottle for storage
  • Strainer
  • 1 1/2 lbs. organic citrus of your choice: lime, lemon, grapefruit, mandarin, yuzu, etc
  • 1 1/2 cups water
  • 2 cups sugar
  • Pinch of salt

Classic bitters take at least 3 weeks to infuse, but this recipe will make you a delightfully bitter syrup in 30 minutes. You can use any citrus fruit you have at hand to make a diverse collection of flavors to add to any festive drink. Choose homegrown or organic fruits that have not been waxed for best flavor.

Yield: 8 oz

Time: 30 minutes plus cooling time


Citrus Syrup Bitters

1. Prep Fruit

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Wash fruit and roughly chop, keeping as much of the juice as possible.

2. Combine Ingredients & Simmer for 20-30 Minutes

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Add all ingredients to a heavy bottomed sauce pan and simmer 20-30 minutes until peels are very soft. 

3. Remove, Cool, & Strain

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Remove pan from heat and allow to cool. Strain the syrup through a fine sieve.

4. Bottle & Enjoy 

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Citrus Syrup Bitters

Pour cooled, strained syrup into clean jar or bottle.
Enjoy as a flavoring for your favorite drink or add a drop to salad dressing for a complexity.

This syrup will store in the refrigerator for up to 1 month, if it lasts!!!

Over to You

It’s part of our mission here at Mountain Feed to help you make delicious, sustainable, homemade food more often. Stop by and say hello on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest. Or, as always, you can do it the old fashioned way and come by the store to speak with one of our in-house experts.